Saturday, April 10, 2010

Chuck, 3x11, “Chuck vs. the Final Exam”

Episode Title: Chuck vs. the Final Exam
Writer: Zev Borow
Director: Robert Duncan McNeill
Originally Aired: 03/22/2010
Grade: B

Chuck has been told to shoot an enemy twice this season, but he was saved from the act by first Shaw and now Casey. There’s no way that’s the end of it. Something is important enough to Chuck to raise the stakes to “shoot to kill.”

As other viewers have pointed out, this “red test” concept is ridiculous. There are that many bad guys out there that need or deserve to be killed, as opposed to arrested, or arrested and interrogated? Even Hunter Perry, the double agent Chuck was supposed to kill, should have been arrested and tried for treason, not murdered. And Sarah and Casey both seemed perfectly aware that the red test was the final step in becoming a “real spy,” yet neither of these people who care deeply for Chuck ever bothered to drop a, “Hey Chuck, you do realize that to be a real spy, you have to kill someone, right?” It makes them both look like complete assholes for keeping this from him.

Not only that, but I’m also unclear on how Chuck “passed” his initial mission when he couldn’t even get the early steps right. He failed to put the earpiece in on time and failed to see the mark on the security camera (because he was once again babbling about his feelings on a mission, no less). Sarah may have covered for him to Shaw and Beckman, but as a viewer, I was not impressed with Chuck’s performance.

Other Stuff

-On a more fun note of implausibility, I’m amazed that Chuck’s little towel lasted as long as it did. It should have fallen off during the fight sequence!

-They gave away the resolution to Chuck’s dilemma by showing us the Chuck version of Chekhov’s gun. It was hardly a shock to see Casey slink away from the scene.

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