Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dollhouse, 2x11, “Getting Closer”

Episode Title: Getting Closer
Writer: Tim Minear
Director: Tim Minear
Originally Aired: 01/08/2010
Grade: B

Who took Caroline’s imprint at the beginning of the episode? Boyd is the most obvious choice, but he seemed perfectly willing to let Caroline out to play at the end of the episode. The game was the point? Forcing Topher to scramble to find another solution, and spattering Bennett’s brains all over him in the process?

Speaking of Bennett, I wish I cared about her more, and I probably would have if the writers had been able to spin the narrative at a more natural pace. Even if I didn’t care about Bennett as much as I wanted to, I loved Summer Glau’s performance in this episode.

I had no feeling of satisfaction upon finding out Boyd’s true identity. This reveal just pushes my suspension of disbelief to the breaking point, for so many reasons. As I said in my previous blog, there were only a couple of clues, and I haven’t had a single retroactive “ah ha” moment. What was the point of anything Boyd has ever done? For example, why did he allow his Rossum employees to try to take the LA house from Adelle, and then shoot them when they arrived? And if Echo’s wipes didn’t really take the way they should have (due to her “special” body chemistry), and Caroline had met Boyd as Rossum’s founder before becoming Echo, why was Echo’s call and response bond with him so strong? Why did she trust him so completely? There was no part of Caroline left over that found him questionable? The initial wipe of Caroline somehow worked as intended, but subsequent wipes didn’t? It’s all complete nonsense.


Topher: “You know, I always had a crush on you. Even when I thought you were a dude.”

Boyd (to Caroline): “You won’t be harmed in any way.” (Notable because it was total bullshit!)

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