Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Glee, 1x17, “Bad Reputation”

Episode Title: Bad Reputation
Writer: Ian Brennan
Director: Elodie Keene
Originally Aired: 05/04/2010

I didn’t dislike this episode, exactly, but I thought it was even more choppy and nonsensical than usual. I think part of that is because a) they didn’t actually succeed in “redeeming” most of those songs, and b) the “videos” took up too much screen time. That Vanilla Ice song? Too much like the original to be considered improved, and the same goes for the MC Hammer song, so it just felt like wasted time. I think Olivia Newton John is adorable and got a kick out her covering her own song, and Rachel’s video was hilarious, but I hope the writers have gotten this music video obsession out of their systems now. The videos are ultimately shallow and take up valuable time that could be used for characterization.

I felt bad for Will getting hammered for being a slut when the worst he did was make out with Vocal Adrenaline coach. Which, okay, wasn’t good, but he didn’t sleep with the woman! Still, I completely understand why Emma reacted so badly to the news. She obviously has a lot of issues with trust and intimacy, and as someone in a similar boat, few things make you feel more humiliated than finding out the person you want to be with might not be as trustworthy as you thought. Jayma Mays somehow made the scene with Emma telling Will off in the teacher’s lounge feel both hilarious and poignant.

Other Stuff

-It’s not like I forgot that Mark Salling is hot, but seeing him in Rachel’s bedroom somehow upped the hotness factor. He and Rachel still have surprisingly good chemistry… Can we get Puck a legitimate love interest next season? Not Quinn, because the writers missed the boat on that one, and not a shallow cheerleader—someone who can actually challenge him. (I’d suggest Rachel, but I already enjoy her with Finn and Jesse and have no desire to see a third suitor chasing after her.) Also, since Puck didn’t make the Glist, that means he really did move it from Rachel’s locker to be nice, which is surprisingly sweet.

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