Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Chuck, 3x15, “Chuck vs. the Role Models”

Episode Title: Chuck vs. the Role Models
Writer: Phil Klemmer
Director: Fred Toye
Originally Aired: 05/03/2010
Grade: A

Wow, two really fun episodes in a row! So far, these back 6 episodes may feel like fan service, but for the most part, theyre definitely miles better than the initial 13. The show seems to be back to being sweet and fun and airy and not taking itself too seriously, which is what Ive always loved it for. Not that theres no poignancy to it now, because I think there is, but thats partly because the characters and stories actually have room to breathe now. For a while there, I felt like the show was suffocating under its own weight—very little was actually resonating because everything was trying to be heavy and meaningful.

I somewhat liked the possibility of moving in together as an obstacle for Chuck and Sarah, and in a way, I thought she gave in too easily. She’s been on her own for a long time, and she’s got intimacy issues, so I didn’t expect her to get over it and take plunge quite so quickly. Still, I hope that the two of them living together leads to some things I’ve been wanting to see for a while, simple domestic/friendship stuff like making dinner together or watching TV.

Other Stuff

-More bonus points for not breaking up Chuck and Sarah!

-Oh look, more of Ellie whining. That’s all she ever does. Shut the fuck up, Ellie.

-Casey training Morgan at the Buy More was stupid, ridiculous, lazy, and unprofessional, but I can let it slide with the usual “The show is a geek fantasy” excuse. It’s so much a geek fantasy that I expect them to do the “Chuck is really in the loony bin imagining all of this” episode any time now (the next episode seems like it could contain that premise, but maybe not).

-The above also led to the scene where Casey fired Morgan in a surprisingly humane fashion. It totally worked because he was repaying Morgan’s loyalty (and hero worship), and also because Adam Baldwin just nailed it. (And I’m usually immune to his charms, but I found him weirdly hot in that scene!)

-Tiger! Really cute tiger! So much so that I didn’t really believe it when she tried to look mean—it came off as more playful or mildly annoyed, but who am I to criticize the tiger’s acting?


Chuck: “I’m not letting you shoot a tiger—they are endangered and majestic.”

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