Friday, January 30, 2009

Battlestar Galactica, 4x12, “A Disquiet Follows my Soul”

Episode Title: A Disquiet Follows my Soul
Writer: Ronald D. Moore
Director: Ronald D. Moore
Originally Aired: 01/23/2009
Grade: B+

I didn’t think that I’d have much to say about this episode, because it wasn’t really a favorite. It turns out I have plenty to say, though much of it isn’t positive.

First of all, this episode was certainly setting up something Not Good for Tigh and Caprica’s baby. It seemed a little out of character for Caprica to be so naïve as to yammer on about their baby being “the future of the Cylon race” in front of Cottle and his assistant (or whatever she is), but there’s definitely something brewing. There was a bit of a fakeout with the assistant, where she looked troubled by Caprica’s words about the baby, but then we saw her being nice to Nicky, who we thought was a Cylon, so it must be okay, but then it turns out Nicky’s not a Cylon and she knew that, so hmmm…

I’m really not sure how I feel about the whole “Hotdog is really Nicky’s father, hence Nicky is not a Cybrid” storyline. Moore has said that they always knew Hera was going to be the only true half-breed baby, but if that’s the case, couldn’t they have set up this reveal a bit better? It would be nice to look back and think, “Oh, hey, this scene makes even more sense with this new information,” but no such scene comes to mind. It would also be cool to recall a scene between Cally and Hotdog that now has greater significance, and maybe there is one, but again, not coming to mind. Furthermore, that baby just plain looks like the offspring of Tyrol and Cally—his giant head and frame, her snub-nosed baby face (okay, Nicky is a baby, but he still looks like her!). And unless Cally slept with Hotdog just a few days before Tyrol broke her jaw, it means that she was unfaithful to him, which sucks for two reasons: a) it seems out of character, given how deeply (and sort of creepily) devoted she was to Tyrol in the early stages of their relationship, b) it piles even more suckage onto a character who already sucked hardcore. This does free up Chief and Hera for more important storylines, which could be good, but I’m not thrilled with the execution here.

And Gaeta… wow. I actually would have a hard time believing that they didn’t have at least an inkling about the events of the webisodes before this episode was penned. If they honestly didn’t, then without the webisodes, Gaeta’s actions would seem overly extreme and out-of-the-blue here. Given my dissatisfaction with the writing for Caprica and deceased Cally in this episode already, I’d have to question Moore’s writing skills… I’m also not sure why Gaeta was included in the meeting with the higher-ups about updating the fleet’s jump capacity. Adama’s presence goes without saying, as does Tigh’s as XO and a Final Fiver. Tyrol was formerly Chief of the Deck and is also a Final Fiver, Helo is CAG and a former XO, and Lee is a former CAG, former Commander, former interim President, and Commander Adama’s son. Gaeta is… what, exactly? In any case, I’m still interested to see where his character is going.

As for the conversation between Kara and Gaeta, I really don’t blame her for being nasty. She didn’t start the conversation or the accusations, and in fact told him she didn’t feel like having a chat. And he accused her of… what? He didn’t even take a swipe at her for being all batshit crazy for a while, he just neener-neenered at her for being married to a Cylon. Of course, I think his real motive was to get her out of the room in a way that wouldn’t pique her suspicion, leaving him with a captive audience for planning his little insurgency. In which case, he certainly succeeded.

Roslin’s storyline is confusing me greatly at the moment. I don’t understand why she doesn’t just relinquish the Presidency to Lee if she’s not going to actually do anything. She’s not just taking a little break from her duties; she’s committing a drawn-out suicide by terminal illness, which indicates that she’s not planning to resume her duties at all. No, Lee is not the VP, but Lee has acted as interim President before with Zarek’s semi-approval, and most other folks with any level of power approve of him, as well. That, and Roslin flat-out told him that she might want him to be President when she’s gone or no longer capable of performing her duties, which seems to be… now.

Also, nice to see that Bill and Laura finally, um, consummated their love. Glad to know it happened, and also glad we weren’t privy to the actual deed.

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