Writers: Kevin Williamson, Julie Plec, and Andrew Kreisberg
Grade: B+
I think I actually liked Vicki better as a vampire than a human. It’s a shame that it didn’t work out for her, because her childlike enthusiasm was actually charming. She’s been so troubled and insecure that it was refreshing to see her excited and carefree. Granted she completely overacted to Elena’s concern about Vicki seeing Jeremy by half-strangling Elena (new vampires and their poor impulse control), but Elena did come off as extremely judgmental and condescending. Seriously, she didn’t even try to sugar coat it, which was stupid because a) vampire, and b) Vicki didn’t ask to be turned into a vampire, so a slightly more empathetic attitude and a less snotty tone might have gone a long way.
As for the little showdown between Damon and Elena after Vicki’s death, I think she’s right: the people dying around him do matter, and he knows it. He didn’t seem particularly thrilled by what happened to Vicki, even if he’d deny it to Elena and Stefan. Damon’s also the sort of person who denies things to himself as much as to others, though, so I’m sure he’ll shrug it off quickly. He wears a mask even when he’s alone.
I felt that wiping Jeremy’s memory was an awful thing for Elena to set in motion, even though I understand why she did it.
As much as they've built Damon up as a manipulative, scheming bastard, the writers had to know that viewers would be suspicious about what happened with Jeremy if we didn't get to see the scene. Still, I didn’t get the slightest whiff of manipulation from Damon before or after he hypnotized Jeremy, so perhaps it was a shocking instance of Damon doing something genuinely kind out of guilt and compassion. Hell, I think that’s part of why he turned Vicki, but hopefully this kindness won’t end so tragically.
Miscellaneous Stuff
-I didn’t believe it fully until this episode, but the showrunners actually grafted Cassie from L.J. Smith’s The Secret Circle trilogy into this show via Bonnie. Even the family backstory is similar, from what I remember.
-Elena had Matt whipped for 15 years? Exaggerate much, Vicki? What was she doing, wheedling his pudding cups out of him at daycare?
-The scene with Jeremy and Vicki making out while everyone else looks for them was very well done—great song, great editing, nice tension.
Damon: “Don’t listen to him. He walks on a moral plane waaay out of our eye line.”
Elena: “How can you be so arrogant and glib after everything that you’ve done?”
Damon: “And how can you so brave and stupid as to call a vampire arrogant and glib?”
Elena: “If you wanted me dead, I’d be dead.”
Damon: “Yes, you would.”
Elena: “But I’m not.”
Damon: “Yet.”
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