Tuesday, January 12, 2010

FlashForward, 1x08, “Playing Cards with Coyote”

Episode Title: Playing Cards with Coyote
Writers: Marc Guggenheim and Barbara Nance
Director: Nick Gomez
Originally Aired: 11/12/2009
Grade: A-

A pretty solid episode here. I’m thrilled that Janis is back, and clearly so is Wedeck—he loves her so! (And if only we could all have such awesome bosses.)

My biggest question is… did Mike set Tracy up? She was alone when she saw Jericho whack a civilian village, she told her superior officer, he ordered Tracy and Mike out to do whatever it was they were supposed to be doing (I’ve forgotten what the stated mission was), and they ended up in an ambush with her door handle malfunctioning. It seems pretty obvious that the superior officer deliberately sent them into a trap, but we haven’t met him and we have met Mike, so it’s hard for me to discount him at least being the one to tamper with her door. It’s also a bit suspicious that he came to see Aaron just when Tracy showed up in town. That may indicate that Mike/Jericho had an inkling of where she was headed and were trying to a) milk Aaron for info, and b) make sure he’d given up searching for Tracy. If Mike was involved in setting her up, it doesn’t seem to have occurred to Tracy, because she barely batted an eye when Aaron mentioned him.

It was pretty obvious to me that the triple star tattoo was a gang marking of sorts, so that wasn’t exactly a shocking twist, and it made the FBI look like idiots for not considering that possibility themselves (not that Mark needs any help in that department…).

With the slow reveal of the mysterious Suspect Zero in the Detroit stadium footage, I feel like if we ever see that image fully resolved, it will be someone we recognize. But who could it be? It’s not any of the FBI folks, Simon is too short, I cannot imagine it would be Lloyd. The aforementioned Mike, maybe? And how did Suspect Zero get his hands on one of the fancy blackout-preventing top secret rings?

Miscellaneous Stuff

-Simon is certainly a bit ooky, but I have a hard time believing that someone as likable as Lloyd is going to wind up being even partially responsible for the blackout.

-It seems a bit questionable that the Jericho guys didn’t notice that Tracy wasn’t dead after they lit her up. Don’t get me wrong, it was a brutal explosion, but not checking to make sure the target is dead is still some sloppy soldiering.

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