Friday, November 14, 2008

True Blood, 1x04, “Escape from Dragon House”

Episode Title: Escape from Dragon House
Writer: Brian Buckner
Director: Michael Lehmann
Originally Aired: 09/28/2008
Grade: A

Hoyt is my number one suspect for the killer. It’s easy to blow past his emphatic, “Well, he didn’t” when Arlene mentions that the police seem to think Jason may have done it, but it definitely struck me as being a little “off.” Does Hoyt really hero worship Jason enough to sound that pissy over it? Especially since Hoyt is usually so mellow. The way his mother belittles him and fusses over him (“Oh please, Hoyt, if anyone needs sun block, it’s you.”) also sends up a red flag. I don’t want him to be the killer, though, because I think he’s adorable. Thinking that Dawn’s voice was like “angels and parakeets mixed together” was so beautiful and sweet. I hate to think he could have such innocent thoughts, and yet still brutally murder women.

Of course, he’s not the only suspect. It seems Arlene and Dawn were neighbors, which could be significant if you consider Arlene or Rene to be suspects, as well.

Also, Sam was her landlord, which means he had access to her home. We’re supposed to be suspicious of him, what with the gloves and the sneaking in and writhing on her sheets, but I can’t imagine they’re revealing the murderer so early and obviously, so I’m scratching him off my suspect list for now. I also thought that scene was both beautiful and disturbing, like a strange, joyous grieving. It didn’t strike me as someone going back to the scene of their crime.

Honestly, just about every possible suspect has also had moments that make it nearly impossible for me to accept them as the killer.

As for the introduction of Eric, it’s too early to really say much. Skarsgärd is certainly easy on the eyes, his presence is commanding, and he does the world weary vibe well, but I get the feeling that he’s still easing into the role here. This is one of the few shows that really seems able to support a large cast, though, so I’m sure he will be a great addition. In any case, he helped Bill and Sookie get away from the police raid at Fangtasia, which is interesting. He may have done so out of self-interest, but for some reason, I get the feeling that he finds both Sookie and Bill and intriguing.

Other Thoughts

-Jason calling his pecker “sweet baby” was possibly the funniest part of the episode, even though it was a great personal tragedy to him. Despite how squicky Jason’s V-caused penis affliction was, Tara proved herself to be a great friend by helping him and staying with him through the worst of it. The flashback scene with those two was great, too (aside from the fact that the kid playing Jason was a weak actor). It confirms the idea that Jason is capable of being a good person and makes me feel less icky for loving his character.

-It’s tempting to say that Bill glamoring the cop was unethical, but Bill is not a human being, so I’m not sure that applying human ethical codes to a non-human is particularly effective.

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