Writers: Lisa Zwerling and Seth Hoffman
Grade: B+
I was initially annoyed that Mark was pathetic enough to give in to the drinking aspect of his flash-forward, but then again, I’ve never been cursed with seeing my future. Who knows, I might be all, “Fuck it, fate—you win,” too.
I started out ambivalent about Zoey, but these post-hiatus episodes have definitely made me dislike her. The writers tried to make her conversation with Dem about the baby daddy Somalia fiasco somewhat nuanced—she was more upset that he didn’t share her faith that he’d survive the 15th than she was that he’d slept with Janis—but I still came out of it feeling annoyed with her.
The logical part of me knows that’s fucked up, because I think any woman would be upset at finding out her fiancé fathered his first child with another woman (lesbian or not) while they were together. And yet my irrational side feels like she should have been able to recognize that a) what happened between Janis and Dem was biology, not chemistry, and b) Zoey and Dem are not one, singular individual. He’s allowed to feel differently about things than she does, especially when he was the one who was supposed to be murdered. I know she got slapped in the face with something completely unexpected, so really, her saying, “I’m going away by myself to sort through this shit, and then we’ll see” is perfectly reasonable. And yet I still hate her!
And I’m also thrilled that with her in Hawaii, the chances of them getting back together in the next episode are slim. The show is canceled, so I can happily spin my own tale in which they don’t get back together and he finds a non-lesbian version of Janis who totally gets along with the real Janis. Yay!
Not only did this episode cement my (probably irrational) dislike of Zoey, it also made me start to dislike Bryce, whom I’ve never had much of a problem with, Keiko-obsession aside. And of course, it was the Keiko obsession that undid him for me.
Yes, Nicole not telling Bryce that Keiko was in an immigration detention center was a bit selfish. I mean, how dare she deprive Bryce of his obsession?! The way Bryce talked to Nicole, it was like he somehow thought that if Nicole had let him know Keiko was being detained, he would have magically been able to get her out. Seriously, it came off like he thought that Nicole had left her in there to rot when she had the means to get her out. Which she didn’t. I'm sure that from Bryce's point of view, the only reason Keiko was in L.A., and thus rounded up by ICE, was to find him, and okay, so that assumption would actually be correct, but Keiko would have been detained whether Bryce was able to get in to see her or not.
Also, Bryce knows that Nicole saw herself getting drowned in her flash-forward, so him ditching her was even more of a dick move than Nicole wanting to keep Bryce to herself. How’s he going to feel if she turns up dead on April 30th? Somehow I don’t think he’d just be like, “Whatever, that selfish bitch deserved it for keeping me from my beautiful Japanese true love Keiko, whom I technically just met.”
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